Building a Business, Growing a Garden, Constructing a Building. The process is similar is if not essentially the same. Yesterday I was starring in dismay at the mass of weeds our small backyard had become. It's the only place on the entire property we planted grass in order to have a play place … [Read more...]
Entrepreneur Business Coaching Requires Being a Gentle Hard-Ass at Times
I received this lovely testimonial yesterday. Read below it because I'm laughing and you should know why if you are in business. "Anyone enrolling in your program will be following your lead of living an audacious life, on purpose. Lucky peeps." - Patti Keating Yesterday I was a bit of a … [Read more...]
Deborah Tutnauer and Christine DeGraff at Social Media Marketing World – Google Plus Hangout in Real Life
Deborah Tutnauer Entrepreneur Success Coach interviews with Christine DeGraff at the Google Plus Hangout in Real Life during the Social Media Marketing World Convention in San Diego, January 2014. It was a wonderful experience to meet Christine and other great people who I had been interacting … [Read more...]
What do you DO in your Entrepreneur WORK
What do you DO in your Entrepreneur WORK Before you read further, open up another screen or take out paper and a pen. Answer the question. What do you DO in your Entrepreneur WORK? STOP READING HERE, unless you answered the question above. I can imagine some of your wonderful and creative … [Read more...]
Spinning Plates – How to Live Fully Without Losing Your Balance
In our very full, electronic overloaded world there are very few who don't recognize the feeling - many balls in the air - or plates - keeping them all up at the same time. I like the image of the plates because to me they signify balance as well as organization.It is here that I'm going to stand a … [Read more...]
How to Set and Achieve Major Business Goals without Fear
How to Set and Achieve Major Business Goals without Fear One of the very best goal setting and Achieving techniques is one I learned from Jack Canfield in The Success Principles. The Law of Attraction in business is not about wishing or energetic magic. Its about setting a strong intention and … [Read more...]
Twitter card test
This is a twitter card test … [Read more...]
FlipBoard for Entrepreneurs – Organization, Creativity, Marketing
FlipBoard for Entrepreneurs - Organization, Creativity, Marketing Have you had that feeling when you discover something that inspires your creative juices to such a degree that you think about it constantly for days? Flipboard has been like that for me this weekend. A few ideas. A search of the … [Read more...]
Meaning of Money – Success Beyond Dollars and Sense
Meaning of Money - Success Beyond Dollars and Sense Money is a measure of so many things. Certainly wealth in the pure financial sense, but also commitment, responsibility, meaning, love. Money itself is abstract while being concrete. We can hold a dollar in our hand, but it's only a piece of … [Read more...]
How You Do Something is How You Do Everything
As you raise the bar for yourself and show up being more and more of what you are meant to be... You also automatically raise the bar for your clients as customers too. Your energy - Your greatness - sets the stage and holds the energy within your business and your relationships. Check … [Read more...]