I received this lovely testimonial yesterday. Read below it because I’m laughing and you should know why if you are in business.
“Anyone enrolling in your program will be following your lead of living an audacious life, on purpose. Lucky peeps.” – Patti Keating
Yesterday I was a bit of a hard-ass with a number of clients. A kind and gentle hard-ass but I pulled no punches just the same.
I’m laughing because people don’t usually expect to be called out on their sh&% . Yet that is exactly why they pay me as their business coach and not someone less experienced or strong. The aftermath of the call out is and in fact must be, a positive one. I’m very intentional when I speak. The message is always one they must hear and are ready to hear, though it feels a bit squirmy.
When I was a beginning therapist, I would get anxiety rushes when the situation required that I challenge a client or tell it like it is (knowing it was exactly what they didn’t want to hear). I don’t get anxious anymore (thank goodness). Instead I become overwhelmed by a feeling of gratefulness to the universe, that I have the ability to help people literally Break Through behaviors or thought patterns that have been tripping them up for a lifetime.
These days it’s all in the business coaching realm. The clients often are in a quandary of being able to literally SEE their greatness, to see their huge gifts they have to bring to others, and yet their day to day business life does not yet reflect it. Often they are making little money. Sometimes they ride the money roller coaster with high highs and devastating lows, repeating time after time. Often times their internal understanding of self is clear but the message they present to the world is muddy and inconsistent. Thus their business results are muddy and inconsistent. Other times they are confused as to who they really are, and are thus modeling their message and action on other leaders – learning good things for sure, but not knowing how to take in the lessons and find their own voice. There is terror of true success, and fear of failing that looks like busy-ness and distraction.
The Entrepreneur Business Success Club begins next week. It’s a super cool fun way to coach privately with me for 1/3 of what I normally charge, engage in a live mastermind adventure weekend, live group brainstorming Q & A’s, private awesome online group and get access to all my Foundation and Framework templates for deep growth and uncovering, and strong business structure.
As the launch members there are bonuses in place through June. (But you can join anytime you find yourself reading this post!)
If you are tired of the same old repetitive patterns in your business,
this is THE place for you.
Click through to page TWO for all the goodies!
- How to Grow Business with Local Paid Advertising – Online - January 2, 2018
- Wow! Just Wow. - September 15, 2017
- Dear America - November 10, 2016
Oh dear!! This post appears to have created two camps: Those who I scared off and those clamoring the join The Club (Entrepreneur Business Success Club)! Glad I’m not boring!!