Building a Business, Growing a Garden, Constructing a Building. The process is similar is if not essentially the same.
Yesterday I was starring in dismay at the mass of weeds our small backyard had become. It’s the only place on the entire property we planted grass in order to have a play place for swing sets and trampolines and gymnastics. Funny how the weeds grow where we planted in contradiction to nature.
Anyway, I’ve got way more dandelions than grass, and a lot of thatch in between.
Step one. Clear the thatch and eliminate the dandies.
Step two. Aerate the dirt so it’s primed for water and nutrients.
Step three. Get the right type of grass seed. Plant it.
Step four. Water and water and water and water.
It will grow!
In the business you are creating –
Step one. Clear out the thatch and the weeds that block growth
Step two. Prepare your psyche with clarity and belief
Step three. Uncover your path and construct the outline of your mission and brand.
Step four. Water and water and water and water.
It will grow!
Deborah Tutnauer, MEd, MSW/ Transformational Success Coach
Deborah Tutnauer, LLC Office: 970-209-7473
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Oh Deborah – would you please come to Penang in Malaysia and fix my lawn? I have some awful tropical clover creeper thingo that is making itself at home! I spend 30 minutes every second day painstakingly pulling it out by the roots while I listen to podcasts!
I’m slowly winning the battle against the weeds and gee I’m glad it’s easier for me to help people in my online business. The weeds are far more overwhelming than any of my fun online challenges!
Visiting your site is like visiting a friend. So glad I found you! Liked your FB page too.
Thank you for your kind words Tracey! I felt that kindred spirit kind of feeling as soon as I landed on your blog too!!
Hi Deborah,
I love your analogy about your garden because I think of my garden and business in the same way. (Great minds think alike lol)
In nature, we have to care take our gardens. It starts with healthy soil. Just like our business has to have that strong foundation with many things in place in order for it to grow.
Then, we have to plug holes in the ground so the water can flow (I’ve done it in my heels he he he Really) But all kidding aside, that to me, taking care of our psyche which is so important because like I’ve always said “We are our business…we are the tool and the tool must be sharpened.” So we must do a lot of inner work on ourselves constantly in order to be a leader in our field.
Once the soil is prepared, it is time to seed. We have to take our time out and think of our ultimate goal of business…what is it we really want to accomplish. Then take the necessary steps to do so. Sounds simple? Not at all…trainings, learning, applying step by step, like seed by seed.
And finally, water water water…the analogy here is so clear..we must always give good content, everything we do must be for others, not for us. Just like our garden, we don’t water ourselves, but rather water the garden.
What a fun analogy! I loved participating in this one.
donna merrill recently posted…Learn To Blog Your Brand
Aerating your garden in heels Donna?!!
That is a picture I would love to see.
Funny you use the word “Foundation”, as that is part one of my signature coaching system. So many come to entrepreneurship wanting to plant the seeds – or even reap the harvest – before even getting the soil ready.
When I designed and helped build our house, I became really interested in architecture and structural engineering. We were building a green passive solar house and often I was the one doing the research and informing the architect and contractor which direction to take. One thing is for certain – the tallest buildings require the deepest foundations.
Do you know that the foundation of One World Trade Center was being build underground for two entire years before people in the lower downtown NYC even new something was going on. Many wondered why work had not yet started on the new building when in fact it was happening right under their feet.
I find myself frustrated when people come to me with all the pieces of the second part (I call it Framework) of creating their entrepreneurial business dream, yet have forgotten the foundation. I am saddened that no one had previously helped them understand that to create a business structure without a foundation to stand on, is like building a tall building on shifting sand. It’s as sturdy as a house of cards.
The good news is, that we can go back and shore up that foundation through guided exercises, deep introspection, core values and expertise process and stories work – aerate and amend their soil – and prepare for greatness!
Glad you enjoyed this analogy Donna and ran with it!
Thank you so much for your comment.
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Entrepreneur Business Coaching – Women and Money
Hi Deborah,
What a great metaphor! I think that bloggers and many entrepreneurs should take the time to understand that this garden is the base or central pillar that holds the entire structure together. I mentioned that bloggers should get i on this concept because many of them think that this is a make money quick scheme that involves work, but without stress – they need a wake up call.
In any case, have a great week, and thanks for sharing.
Amiti recently posted…6 Simple Tips to Increase Visit Duration
Thank you for your comment Amiti and welcome to my blog.
You are right in that so many jump into blogging or working online and expect magic. We both know the only magic is consistent focused hard work done with integrity and a solid plan… much like growing the vegetables!
I appreciate you stopping by.
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Entrepreneur Business Coaching – Women and Money