Transmute Frustration into Joy in Business
No, it’s not quite like turning iron into gold, but it’s close. Alchemy exists when one dives into the essence of a situation and the truth behind perceptions and facade. Whether an employee or an entrepreneur your experiences in business are filtered through your stories and beliefs. Often it’s a shift in perception that changes everything. Sometimes it’s a total shift in direction that is necessary.
When I work with a client who is frustrated, confused, uncertain I am looking for something in particular. People who are STUCK experience a sensation akin to bumping up against an invisible bubble. The bubble is tangible yet unclear. It is a sense that a strong presence is blocking the path forward. Yet while the individual struggles to understand the block, it only becomes more invisible to their eye.
It is often said that you cannot be your own coach. Many who are coaches try to be. Entrepreneurs and small business owners often see success coaching as a luxury rather than a necessity and try to power through struggles rather than working with someone who has the skills to assist them. Being STUCK and unable to move forward in your business, or find joy in your job is not necessary. It is why I developed Transmute and Transform From Stuck to Greatness in Sixty Days.
We have openings for just 4 new clients per month and it begins with this application form.
If you are struggling in your business – If your day is drudgery rather than Joy – If you are not making the money you desire though working harder than ever – you owe it to yourself to take advantage of our Vision Session consultation . Click here now. Spaces fill up quickly every month
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