Bad habits are hard to change, especially if they are fun, enjoyable and appear to cause no harm. That is the allure of this social media bad habit. It’s not the ones we all talk a lot about – spamming, pitching, rudeness, etc… This bad habit is so subtle, so under the radar screen, that you may not initially realize that you have it too…
When you spend time on Facebook for your business, who to you interact with?
Which people’s posts do you comment on?
Which fan pages do you check regularly?
Do you only peruse the News Feed when you log on?
If you are like most, you rarely go beyond the News Feed, which is your first mistake. The News Feed is decided by Facebook based on an algorithm determined by your patterns of behavior in past Facebook sessions. The News Feed is NOT the same as the old Status Updates. It used to be that when you logged on to FB, you would see the most recent Status Updates of every one of your FB friends, in chronological order. It was easy to scroll through and naturally stay in touch with a goodly number and diversity of people . The News Feed has now changed that. You now probably see just a hand full of your FB friends status updates, cycling through the News Feed in a bit of a random order. In fact, most people see the updates from less than 5% of their FB list.
This change in how Facebook shows you updates has actually made it harder to stay connected with the many. Instead, we now circle around in smaller groups, much like a clique at a high school dance. So the first bad habit specific to Facebook is only looking at the New Feed. To make sure you are interacting with all the high school kids, and even those from the neighboring schools you must regularly step outside of your clique by manually looking at the Status Updates. To do this, click on Friends in the left side bar, and then on Status Updates. This is the only way you will even see what is going on with 95% of your friend list.
The theme of cliques continues. This is the social media bad habit that can ruin your business. Starting with the premise that to grow your business you need to be continually expanding your sphere of influence and circle of connections, it become counter-intuitive to spend your social media time interacting with your already familiar group of people. Yet this is what so many of us do when we open up Facebook, Better Networker, Twitter and others. We see “our people” and we gravitate towards them. It’s fun. Enjoyable. Sometimes even beneficial, but it is not what you need to be doing to grow your business.
Your business relies on you stepping outside that circle of comfort each and every day and making sure that time is spend creating new relationships and meeting new people. If you don’t do that, then you have the serious social media bad habit. The habit could mean that your business is not growing like it should.
Tell me this, do you spend more than on hour per day on social media sites?
When there, what percentage of your time is spent saying “hi” and “nice Job” and “great post” , your buddies?
How many new people do you connect with on social media every day?
How do you bring them into your inner circle and include them?
How often do you say “I’ve worked hard today” when in fact your computer time was vastly spent interacting within your “clique”?
We’ve defined the Social Media Bad Habit. Stay tuned for how to break the habit and get back to using social media to truly grow your business through new connections.. is the link.
Fill in the box on the right side of the page and I’ll keep you in the loop!
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Hi Deborah,
Thanks for the information;I never realized all of this,so I have to be even more aware of what exactly it is I am doing on Facebook…and also watch the amount of time spent there.
Hope you’re having a fantabulous weekend 🙂