Accomplishment acknowledged
In our drive for success – particularly in business, we can often forget about and even undermine the bigger picture of our accomplishments in our lives.
This morning, as I am surveying the house- at least 30 boxes unpacked in the past week – and now everything in order for the kitty sitter while I head to a family reunion in Florida – I am momentarily flooded with a big feeling of accomplishment.
I Did It!
I packed a house.
Drove a U Haul across the country
Unpacked and organized.
It feels GREAT!!
So what does this have to do with you?
I often hear from clients that they
are not “successful”. Hhhhmm……
Is that true?
Is it really true?
I was just really successful accomplishing this move and keeping all the moving parts of the different people in my family, organized.
I’m sure there are many things you do in which you are very successful!
Are you a wonderful parent to your children?
Are they growing up kind and caring?

Do you take care of a house or a pet or a garden?
When you decide that building a business is a huge goal for you, it is natural to view yourself and your overall success in terms of that business.
Today I’d like you do shift that way of thinking. Get out a sheet of paper and make a list of all the different hats you wear – the different roles you take on in your life – the experiences you’ve had.
Draw a circle and cut it into pie shapes to represent your list. One piece of pie is your current business focus. The other pieces are all your other things on the list (possibly some grouped together if the list is long)
You can use colors if you are the creative sort. Color in the pie pieces in the areas where you feel successful – where you have accomplished something – and be gentle with yourself. Did you graduate from HS or College ? Then you accomplished that, color it in.
Some may need two circles. That’s OK. In each section of the pie, ask yourself – Do I feel successful in this area? Did I accomplish something meaningful in
this area? When the answer comes, go deeper. Ask – is that true? Ask again – is it really true?
Sometimes we feel the negative results or outcome of a situation, but when going deeper we discover that much was accomplished even if the the full goal has not yet been realized.
Color in your pie pieces.
Give beauty and definition
to all the facets of your life.
You have indeed accomplished much. When you approach the world with this new story, your business goals and other things your are striving towards will take on a shine. They may cease to feel as heavy or onerous, in the context of the big picture of you!
I would love to see your circles if
you’d like to share.
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