Latest posts by Deborah Tutnauer (see all)
- How to Grow Business with Local Paid Advertising – Online - January 2, 2018
- Wow! Just Wow. - September 15, 2017
- Dear America - November 10, 2016
Deborah Tutnauer Entrepreneur Success Coach
Inner Game Transformational Success Coaching for Business Clarity and Authentic Impact and Income
Good thots:-)…loved the Mt!,,,we look at Mt Ranier out our dining room window…we must appreciate these things in life & yes we truly are BLESSED (it is 7 degrees outside as I watch this…so I am THANKFUL for a nice fireplace to sit by as I watch U”)
Yep The economy sucks alright,,,that is why we need to be more determined than ever to ‘carve out’ our own way .
Deborah,,,you are truly one of the good folks on the net today…I appreciate you,,,as my 22 yr. old daughter would say “You Go GIRL!”
Blessings to U & yours!
PS>>>Spindle process wow sounds neat!,,,Hey I’ll join your club:-)