How Do You Know if you Really Love Your Work?
There was a time in history – lots of time actually – when no one talked about authenticity in business or loving their work. Work was something that was literally one step away from hunger or homelessness. Work was growing your food, sewing your clothes, chopping your wood, carrying your water.
In the breadth of human existence, it is only in this minute moment that we have had the luxury to even think about our enjoyment of our work. We are truly unique in this way, compared to our ancestors and we must embrace gratefulness for this luxury.
Now that we have laid that groundwork, we can get down to the question at hand.
I had an epiphany today that was such an Ah-Ha moment I almost had to pull the car over just to ponder without distraction. I had a client postpone an appointment. There is nothing at all unusual about that. I work with busy, productive business people who have situations come up that require their attention. Whenever it happens though I find myself feeling sad. I’ve spoken to many coaches who feel something different when an appointment is canceled. They feel worried, or concerned. They wonder if they are doing a good job, or if the client was making an excuse. They do all the “What IFFING” that I recently spoke about at a weekend long teleconference.
That’s not me me though. I just feel sad. Today it came to me why that feeling arises for me. It was so obvious that I laughed lout loud. I feel my best when I’m in The Zone. The Zone is the flow. It is the name of the place I get to when I’m coaching a client and I’ve completely stepped outside of myself and my own ego. My energy becomes completely synchronized with that of my client and the resulting conversation, inspiration, motivation and education that they require comes effortlessly through me to them.
I become a mirror so they can better see themselves. I reflect back the answers that they have within. Like an architect, I also absorb their idea, passions, visions and am able to turn all of it into an image – a blueprint – to show them their own creative masterpiece in a structure that forms the scaffolding for building their dream.
This is lofty work. When I do it I am so energized. My work with a client or client group never tires me. Instead I am fueled. I’m alive in the fullest sense of the word. I feel 100% authentic. And thus, the sadness when an appointment gets canceled or postponed. I know I will miss that energetic and intellectual connection. I truly love my work.
How do you know if you really love your work?
- Does it energize you?
- Do you miss it when you are doing other things?
- Do you find that your very essence is tied up in the person you are when you are working – in a positive way?
- Are there things about your work you pulled towards like magnet?
- Do you enjoy the process more or the outcome more?
- How do you feel about Mondays?
Share your feelings about your work in the comments below. Let’s talk about this!
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