This is a true Success Story:
When I was a new to network marketing I did what I was told to do by my upline. I contacted everyone I knew. I talked to anyone I met in the grocery store or the doctor’s waiting room. When I would get someone’s attention I became relentless–calling them , inviting them to meetings, checking to see if they had: read the magazine, listened to the DVD, consumed the samples, gotten on the conference calls, etc…And yes, some of the people who I hounded did join my organization and even made a go of creating an MLM income. But they were not able to duplicate what I had done with them. They did not have the tenacity of a pit bull and at the time that’s the method that I was told to teach them.
Fast forward a few years. It has been a long time since I have gone after a potential prospect. I still talk to people I meet if it seems appropriate in the situation, but after the first or second contact we only talk again if they make the effort. Most people in my organization have asked to be there. They have sought me out and asked to work with me. Recently I have been asked to be the first distributor in a wonderful new company. If you’ve been in network marketing long enough, you know that this is a coveted position.
So what happened in the intervening years?
There are many things actually, but the first one is that I learned how to be a leader and how to sponsor people from a positon of strength, not neediness. Mark Wieser and his Black Belt Recruiting Course were my teacher. For no charge you can listen in as Mike Dillard interviews Wieser on the topic of how to prospect and sponsor people into your business, almost effortlessly. Read Below!!
You will be smiling just like me, after
learning the information contained in
the Black Belt Recruiting Course
Read More Below
Do you find it hard to talk to prospects on the phone, sponsor new reps effortlessly, and handle objection and rejection?
My friend Mike Dillard, network marketing expert, recently sat down to interview one of our industries top recruiters, Mark Wieser.
If you haven’t heard of Mark, then you are missing out. He has personally sponsored as many as 254 new reps in one year, consistently sponsors as many as 25 reps in a month, was his companies number 1 recruiter for 15 consecutive months, and has built an organization of over 10,000 reps in less than 2 years.
So it is fair to say that he is one of the best and knows a thing or two about recruiting.
In this interview Mark reveals what it takes to sponsor prospects on the phone almost effortlessly. Mike grilled him for close to an hour to reveal his secrets.
This interview was video taped and instead of charging for it like some suggested Mike do, he is making this video available to you for free for a limited time.
If you would like to dominate the phone with your prospects and sponsor more people than you ever thought imaginable then you owe it to yourself to get your hands on this video interview.
You can watch it now and have it delivered to you instantly by visiting …
It’s All Success Power Recruiting
Click this link NOW. Fill in your correct email address so that your Mark Wieser exclusive interview with Mike Dillard arrives instantly in your inbox.
This Free Information Will Get You Started On Your Way to Power Recruiting!! It is the beginning of how I went from barely breaking even in Network Marketing, to becoming such a good leader, marketer and trainer that I was invited to be the first distributor in a new company
Free It’s All Success Power Recruiting Video
New Information (1/13/10)!!
Mark Wieser has a new product called Surefire Sponsoring. I just learned about it today. I respect Mark a great deal….more than most “leaders” in the industry. He never offers hype and his information is always incredibly on target and immediately useful. I have had the privilege of speaking in person with Mark, twice. Each time he impressed me with his knowledge and understanding of network marketing, and his professionalism.
I’d highly recommend taking a look at Surefire Sponsoring today.
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