How do you get noticed as a leader in your field?
There are many types of entrepreneurs, and many opportunities to share your expertise and area of influence and be recognized for thought leadership in your field. The key is not getting stuck in the perception of one type of message delivery. It is possible and in fact laudable, to target a clear niche while casting a wide net of influence.
As you may know if you are a regular reader of my blog, I shifted my methods of online engagement back in July 2014, and with that shift a vast number of doors opened to my community.
Over the past few weeks, my energy has been spent writing my presentations for two University talks coming up in March 2015. “Writing” is a cool word here because the process of producing these talks has actually taken “writing” to a whole different level – at least for me!
I realized that it didn’t make sense to sit down and write something that I was going to speak. I find my writing has different flow than my speaking, and tends towards the academic. Even though the talks I’m preparing for are indeed within the ivory walls of academia, the audience will be better served by a fluid and fun presentation. So I dove into two new voice recording apps instead of sitting down at the computer.
First I used a Chrome App called Voice Recognition and spoke into my computer. This one was about 90% accurate and it was easy to edit the 10% that printed a gibberish. The final product was a TXT file, which I saved to my Google Drive and then copied and pasted into a Word Doc.
I think out loud in the car and also wanted to try to record there. So I used the record option on my Google Drive App. The accuracy here was a bit better, but the final product was a WAV audio file. I could not find any program where I could upload an audio file and get back a text file. So I ended up user and sending the file off to a human transcriber. For $5 per 15 minutes, she did a really great job and returned my text in 3 days!
I highly recommend this method of “writing” when you plan on speaking to an audience. My final speeches flow easily. They are funny too , which I find harder to create when typing
Becoming a known public speaker is one of my long term goals, with a timeline related to when my daughter heads to college and I have more freedom for travel. In the interim, I’ve set yearly objectives of 2 -4 speaking engagement in front of audiences of at least 100. This March will be the first two!
At Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT, I am the kickoff speaker for the 7 week “Lectures in Entrepreneurship” class. This is an undergraduate seminar and a community forum at the same time. My topic is my entrepreneur journey used as a platform to teach undergraduate entrepreneur studies students the mindset as well as the realities of creating a successful entrepreneurial life. Part of the essence of this program is to inform students of the many differing types of entrepreneurs to to help them open their minds to possibilities.
My alma mater , Colgate University, in Hamilton, NY invited me to join in as a Mentor in their Thought Into Action Entrepreneur Incubator Program. I’ll be speaking the last weekend in March 2015. At Colgate my topic is about Women and Money. Specifically, why smart women still settle for 75 cents on the dollar and how to create change within the workplace and within women themselves and their relationship to money.
This topic is dear to my heart and one that deserves much attention. In doing my research I spent time on Skype the other evening with Barbara Turley from Australia who owns and is the creator of the Wealth Success Map. Barbara has a background in investing and finance and now teaches women how to shift their relationship to money and wealth. We know how networking operates. Due to our conversation and mutual focus on this topic I was invited by Barbara to be interviewed by her after the Colgate presentation and to appear on her blog, which is well read throughout the world. This is so very exciting for me as I’ll be sharing my experience speaking to undergraduate women about this very crucial topic.
So how do you get noticed as a leader in your field?
You step outside your comfort zone of activities and expand your reach. If you blog, maybe you speak. If you network in person, maybe you write. If you communicate through online, maybe you pick up the phone. The opportunities are endless to get noticed as a leader in your field and exponentially expand your center of influence. For me, public speaking is just one of the ways I’m following my own advice. I’d love to hear what avenues you are exploring! Write to me in the comments below!
(Photo courtesy Iosphere on
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Hi Deborah,
That was a wonderful write up 🙂
Let me start by saying that I enjoyed your long interview on your main page, and heard it all while I was cooking for the family – hearing each word carefully. You are such a wonderful speaker 🙂
So, it doesn’t surprise me to see you networking and visiting so many places, as you are doing so well in this field. I liked the Chrome App called Voice Recognition you mentioned, and have a few friend’s who have also used it and are still using it. I guess one needs such apps, if you are into public speaking and doing up a lot of interviews too.
Well, I won’t say I am actually a leader, though people think me to be one, and that makes one feel good. I guess I prefer being there for people, to help them in my little way, and perhaps my blog and my writing does just that, though I know I still need to learn a lot in this regard. One thing at a time as they say, so we are just doing up our blog and the new forum presently, and then would be shifting to other ones.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted…How To Better A Relationship With Anyone
Thank you for commenting and welcome to my blog Harleena!
I deeply apologize for taking so long to get to your comment. Along with being a speaker, writer and coach I also am a Mom to a 13 year old and my husband frequently travels. She has had a challenging few weeks and so I basically put on my MOM hat and let everything else fall away while I focused on her. Some would say that my choice is not idea for business. I say, I own my own business specifically so that I have the freedom to be available for my family at the drop of a hat! First and foremost!
The times I have been on your blog I have been very impressed with your leadership and how you help people! We all are learning all the time – whether we are beginners or we have reached that “expert” pinnacle.
I appreciate your kind thoughts and hope to see you here again Harleena!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…4 Reasons Why your WHY Won’t Make you Successful in your Entrepreneur Business
Please don’t apologize, as I can completely understand, having to deal with 2 teens myself, and all the blogging and writing that comes along with it.
Yes, being a Mom is foremost on my list too, and there are no compromises I make when kid’s need attention, or even the family as such. So, we sail in the same boat and think likewise I’d say 🙂
Thank you for saying that, though there’s a long way to go. Just doing up the ABC (Aha!NOW Blog Community) at my blog with a very active forum takes a lot of my time nowadays. 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted…Live Your Best Life In The BEST Way
Hi Deborah,
This is inspirational writing and I love it!!!!!
Kudos for you… you have a dream, a plan and goals to make it happen. If anyone can do it, you can!
Expanding your reach is the key, and there are so many ways to do that now.
I too LOVE speaking and I’m working to build a whole audience for an event in early April in downtown Philadelphia right now. However, as you know my goals are more in the publication side as I’m earning opportunities to not only increase my blog but also write for SEMrush and I’m working on a few opportunities with a few MAJOR US business journals here on the east coast.
I’ve also expanded my video production and interviewing amazing entrepreneurs such as yourself on my podcast.
Next up is my eBook I plan to have done by the end of this week. So, please feel free to hold me accountable for that. It is my goal!
There is no limit, except the limitations of our own stubbornness or unwillingness to fight for what we want.
Again, super inspiring Deborah! I’m excited for your future.
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted…If You Want Blog Readers and Sales, Give Blog Readers and Sales
Hi Deborah,
Congratulations! You have a goal being a speaker and already you have two speaking engagements. I’m sure that is only the beginning! Especially speaking at these to astute colleges! This sure will bring some good recognition to you.
I just love the topics you are speaking about. It is about time college students know that there is life after a job! Talking about the entrepreneur life will save many as they make choices of what they are going to do after college. It is common knowledge that the job market is slowly dying. It is up to the individual to take the bull by it’s horns and make a decision to share their skills.
Your topic of Women and Money sure needs attention. Women seem to underestimate themselves and you are the go to gal to change all that. Colgate is sure blessed by having you speak.
Wishing you all the best and I know this is just the beginning! Can’t wait to see you on “Ted Talks”
I know you will get there and more.
donna merrill recently posted…When Customer Engagement Matters Most
Hi Deborah,
First off, thank you for those tips you shared about taping your speeches and getting a written form as well. I sure can use that for my Toastmasters speeches.
Beside the fact that we’ve got some things in common, for sure,we have a one and same goal, becoming a known public speaker!
Hey, that’s why I joined a Toastmaster’s club last summer, and I know that my acting past can help me get there as well.
All the best to you for all your exciting endeavors!
You rock!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted…Should You Have A Pop-up Opting Form On Your Blog?
Thank you Sylviane!
I’m sure you are learning all kinds of good speech preparation tips at Toastmasters!
Good for you for joining that organization.
Yes, I’ve been happy with the recording and then transcribing process. It is working quite well.
Enjoy your weekend!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Lead With Your Authentic Heart and Good Business Will Follow
Hey Deborah,
I’m very excited for you and knew you had some speaking engagements coming up this year. Knowing this is the direction you want to head then I’m even more excited for you.
Look at all the connections you’re making and the people you’re meeting already. What an exciting adventure and I know your talks will help educate those eager to hear what you have to share.
I believe I’m starting to be known in a certain area. I would like to expand that area though because I started on one journey and was pulled to another one. I would like to “get back to my roots” and intend to do just that in the upcoming months so stay tuned for that.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us and again, I’m really excited for you and know you’ll do really well.
Adrienne recently posted…An Open Letter To Bloggers Who Have Lost Their Way
Thanks for your kind thoughts and I apologize for the delay in getting to your comment.
You struck my curiosity chord Adrienne.
You are so very well known for blog engagement and sincere kindness and connection. Which “roots” are you planning on getting back to??
Thank you for your support and friendship!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Lead With Your Authentic Heart and Good Business Will Follow
Hey Deborah,
Well I’m not spilling the beans here, you’ll have to read about that in my post on Monday. Yep, that’s kind of what it’s about. 😉
Enjoy your weekend my dear.
Adrienne recently posted…Magical Monday: Blog Promotion, Loyal Audience, Your List, Triberr, Success
You too Adrienne!
I will look forward to Monday!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…4 Reasons Why your WHY Won’t Make you Successful in your Entrepreneur Business
Deborah – it has been such a pleasure getting to know you and fleshing out this deep topic of women and money. As we both agreed it is a little more complex than it appears on the surface !
For me I have found that video is my ‘thing’. My Feminine Wealth TV show has spread far and wide online and been the thing that has worked really well to position me as an expert. I have met amazing people by doing the show and increased my reach massively – all without having to leave my home office. For me that is a key lifestyle choice so I love that the online world facilitates that for me.
Can’t wait to have you on the show !!
Welcome to my blog Barbara!
Yes, video is so very powerful. Your show is wonderful and I am honored and excited to be your guest later this Spring!
I expect we will continue to dissect this crucial topic and help women world-wide embrace the good power aspects of money!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Lead With Your Authentic Heart and Good Business Will Follow