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- Wow! Just Wow. - September 15, 2017
- Dear America - November 10, 2016
Great Message Today:-)…A great way to end my day!!
The Bible says…”Without a VISION the People Perish”,,,also in another place “Write the VISION, Make it PLAIN, so all who see it May RUN WITH IT.”
This email to a friend really encapsulates the heart of my VISION…let me know your thots!:-)
I write these points not so much to convince myself(as I have thot about these things the past 2 yrs. or so)….BUT rather for your review & comment( if you have time?:-)
1.) WHY DO I WANT MORE?>>>>>>>>>
The simple answer is basically so “I can BE more”…I refer to Wallace Wattles (SOGR) in chpt 2 I believe he speaks of teaching Folks to “Want to Become RICH”…Why? so they can BE More & accomplish more,,,so they can have a greater impact upon their world…To really develop, use, & hone ones talents and gifts takes $$….we can not BE more if we do not have the financial means to do so
For me personally this includes the following…..
a.) I want more because….. I am tired of ‘just surviving’ suffice it to say I have been thru the ‘ringer ‘ on this these past 12 yrs…HOWEVER I refuse to cry in my Crisis,,,yes I will not ignore it but I have the POWER to do something about it & I WILL & AM!
b.) I want more,,,Because I want the Peace of mind from knowing the bills are all paid & I have more than enough to enjoy life & help others.
c.) I want more….because I desire to see my wife out from under the Burden & Pressures of a JOB that basically just tolerates her…can anyone say to He** with .15 an hr. raises , less help & more expectations
d.) I want more because….I need $$$ to help others less fortunate than myself( I have been to India & China twice since 2002) ,,,there is nothing more fulfilling to me than giving my $$ to feed families, build a hut, provide medicine etc,,etc,,,
e.) I want More,,,because I Love Travel & History(Besides the wife wants to go to Italy:-)!)
….I want to educate myself & my family thru experiencing other cultures, countries & viewpoints+the fact I LOVE Missions work
f.) I want More because…I have a VISION & PLAN to Build what I would call a Missions Foundation to train Missions teams for Missions work abroad
WHAT is More to Me?>>>>>>>
a.) More specifically for me I see The More as cold hard cash because of its EXCHANGE Value,,in other words $$ will allow me to begin to fulfill question #1
b.) Napoleon Hill speaks of being specific in your goals…so to start with I would like/ & am declaring my effort to create a Passive (somewhat ‘auto pilot’ income of 5’Gs per month within 2-3 years),,,,,from the there I would like to Increase that to 10 grand per month.,,& perhaps as the “FOUNDATION” grows I would need more $$ ….we will just play that be ear:-)
3) More of ___________will sustain & Fulfill me?>>>>>
a.) In the beginning $$$ is the answer to gain sustenance(or should I say, a ‘Money Making system,,,NOT trading my time for Dollars:-)))
b.) BUT I agree with you, $ for $ sake alone is Not what will bring FULFILLMENT but the EXCHANGE value of what that $$ will allow me to Accomplish in the accomplishment of my already stated goals IS the FULFILLMENT
c.) I would find the Time Freedom to pursue my Dreams & Passions very fulfilling…waking each day to new challenge as to How I might help others, educate ,Teach & Mentor myself or others,travel to new worlds to do the same:-)( I am excited just writing This missive:-)!!)
a.) First the FEELINGS….a deep residing Peace& Fulfillment, Joy, Ecstasy!!, Passion, Excitement…It will be hard to put into words
b.) When will I know I GOT IT?….well in writing this it dawns on me (Is this CONSCIOUSNESS?LoL!)….I have it inside of me NOW I just need to ‘WALK IT OUT” & manifest it(OOOh I do not really like that word…LOL)….Earl Nightengale said “Success is the PROGRESSIVE REALIZATION of a WORTHY Ideal” ….well in closing I would hilite PROGRESSIVE,,,because for me I believe as long as I live & breathe I will always “Be Getting It”…I will Never fully arrive I will always have new Mountains to climb & windmills to tilt:-)
Be Prosperous!