This guy has totally “got it“. And the amazing thing is that you can “get it” too if you take the time to learn what “it” is ! “It” is personal branding to the max! It is understanding that social media is a conversation in which you need to listen and listen hard. Hear what your audience is looking for and turn around and give it to them. It’s not about you…yet it’s totally about you.
What did she just say????
Personal Branding is about creating yourself in a genuine manner in a way that people can grasp onto, enjoy, learn from and be entertained by. At the same time, you are taking in the needs and desires of your people, of your audience and truly caring about what they want. If what you give back to them is real..based on true passion and honest caring about those with whom you interact, they will know. And they will love it.
Start by reassessing how you interact on the social media you now use. Are you a value based, content sharing, go-giver..or do you tend to pitch and sell? That’s pretty basic. So let’s go deeper. When you jump on Facebook or Twitter or wherever else you often jump, are you mostly just adding your own posts and tweets or are you looking around at other’s in an attempt to engage in a conversation? Remember, you do best if you understand the want and needs of your audience. What better way to know what that is, than by seeing what they are talking about?
OK, so then what? Then you jump in with both feet and start engaging, being in a heart space inside yourself where you are truly interested in those you are interacting with..not just playing the game. There’s an old adage that people are interested in people who are interested in them. Give first and once someone feels heard and appreciated they’ll naturally take the time to see what you’re all about.
This is where your personal brand is seen. They come looking for more information about you, and you’ve got a lot to show them. There is no “right way” to be. For the right way, is to be yourself with as much honesty and integrity as you can. At the same time, as any good copywriter will tell you, boring is bad. Give your audience anything other than boring and you’ve got a good chance to engage them. Be funny if that’s your nature. Share really useful information in an area that is YOUR passion. Keep them coming back for more by alluding to what you are going to share and teach them about tomorrow.
Hey..I’m not here to give you the Cliff Notes version of Crush It…just here to get you started thinking about your Personal Brandingg and letting you know that anyone can Crush It, with the right mind-set and some good initial direction.
Stay tuned for more on how you can Crush It! Success is all about taking action and building relationship. If you miss out on either of these, you’ve missed the boat in our fast moving, Web 2.0 world.
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That was a great video that you posted of Gary Vanerchuck who is a great person to follow. It’s hard to believe he used to have 10k fans just over a year ago. He’s a great person to follow that provides a good example of personal branding. Your blog post is apt since it takes some of the conversation and analyzes it nicely.
It truly is a combination of communication, engaging interactions, with a lot of listening. Share your passion, be transparent, honest, open, and most of all caring and then you’ll have loyal followers. The thing to remember is that it’s not about us at all it’s about our followers. 🙂
The end result of this is that people perceive us as we are. If you share your passion, be transparent, honest, open, and caring they’ll perceive you are just that and be correct. That’s the best branding you could ask for when you are being real with the focus on your passion.
My Two Cents
I must admit there is a whole lot I need to learn about IM, Network Marketing, & all the Techy ‘stuf’ that comes along with this gig….However Branding myself & Social Media is NOT one of them this all seems so common sense & Natural to & for my personality…I am NOT saying I Understand all about this or can’t learn a thing or two But I believe it is a ‘gifting’ of mine. I love folks & what I call ‘relationshipping’
Thanks for sharing this Deborah