Entrepreneur Business Coaching.
It is in the Doing That Your Being Becomes
I must share something that shifted and expanded my business in a huge manner. I believe many entrepreneurs who, though working consistently, might not always be working as if on a deadline. It’s amazing what happens when you are about to be in front of over 100 people.
Putting that kind of fun pressure on yourself regularly, kicks it up a notch.
This is an “I” post. It’s a chapter from my personal growth as an entrepreneur story. In sharing it, my intent is that you might see facets of yourself and be inspired to ramp it up too!
I made the decision a few weeks ago to move away from some of the edges I dance near in certain circumstances and Just Do It!
I became a Sponsor of a very special upcoming Live Event for Entrepreneurs in San Diego.
My thinking was totally around exposure, relationship building, leads and sales, in making this decision
Here’s the reality. All those things will be happening. But what I didn’t expect was the amazing things that would occur in the preparation for the event.
It is in the Doing That Your Being Becomes
Things I’ve been slowly working on, have BECOME. I’ve wanted a new head shot for a year, but when I learned my photo would be printed in the hand out program guide booklet, I went and got it done!
My funnels are set up and work, but there are missing and fuzzy pieces that I’ve been meaning to clarify. Now. Done!! I’ve had a hard product in brain creation mode for awhile. It’s now in concrete production mode and should be on my sponsor table in a month!
I’ve moved slowly forward in full tilt development of a Western Slope Colorado workshop series, partially because I did not have all the peripherals, like handouts and signs and banners. I now have it all!
Interestingly I don’t consider myself a procrastinator. I work diligently and in a focused manner 90% of the time. Yet there are always those hanging pieces that just don’t get done because though important, they are not the highest priority.
I was one of those kids in high school and college that everyone hated, because I wrote the final draft of my papers days or even weeks before they were due. I rarely do anything last minute if I can help it.
So I’ve got this deadline now, for something I invested a decent amount of money into – and the deadline literally turned on my internal production machine!
I’m just loving this collateral benefit! It gives me a greater understanding of the power filling my calendar with live speaking, sponsoring and presentation event!
In my work coaching entrepreneurs in their business, I often do for my clients what this live event preparation has done for me. I set deadlines and follow through schedules. Luckily for them (and me) I’m not a babysitter, thus they must step up and into their commitment to themselves. But I do provide the framework when necessary to facilitate movement from point A to point B to point C.
I suggest strongly that you take a look at your entrepreneur business and see where you have created structure, timelines and deadlines. And then I challenge you to step it up a notch by committing to an live event that requires preparation beyond your day to day normal business activities. Like I have experienced, I believe that when you do so, there will occur a jump in your personal growth as an entrepreneur, regardless of where you are now on your business journey.
Share in the comments below, an event experience you have or will commit to. Then come back to this post and let me know about your unfolding as you prepare!
Tweeting and more is how we share the love!
It is in the Doing That Your Being Becomes
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Hi Deborah,
I so resonated with your article! I spoke last month in Dallas, TX and I had a similar thing happen. It’s exciting when that production kicks in and it’ time to just get ‘er done! lol…
I’m headed back into that mode really quick as I work to connect with business journalists who blog and event organizers and speaker bureaus.
That means I’m now on a deadline to finish:
* My speaker one-sheet
* Add a dynamic speaker page to my site with video
* Press Page with bio information and previous media exposure / experiences
They are all already planning articles and events for the winter and 2015. I gotta get on the ball.
Plus, I just launched a new service to help web designers, graphic designers and social media companies by working with their clients to help them prepare their messaging for the websites and social media campaigns, etc. I already have a client interested and I’m creating a marketing PDF for them that explains the program in addition to the landing page that already exists on me site.
And, I’m writing an eBook now because I keep asked for information over and over again that I know people need and want.
I’m pretty tired already just thinking about it, lol… But I’m also under a tight deadline to get it all done.
Your article just reminded me that I have to get moving on this stuff ASAP! So, I’m off to get to work…
Great post Deborah and I’m so glad I found your site!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted…Dare to Be Different and Reach More Prospects, Buyers, and Earn Raving Fans
Hi Don!
Great productivity list!
Isn’t it just the thing that the more you do (in full alignment with your essence and values), the more you become and thus the more you do?!
I believe you wrote this comment prior to us speaking on the phone. I too am so glad we connected and enjoyed a conversation which mirrored the feelings we had just from reading each others writings. In keeping with the blog topic, the more one gets out there and creates and engages with others, the more of that type of energy comes back.
I have a friend who used to often say, “you make your own luck.” In many ways you set your own table for business growth in the same manner, by productive authentic action that engages and gives to your audience and colleagues.
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend Don.
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…Meaning of Money – Success Beyond Dollars and Sense
Hi Deborah,
I know from social media, our blogs and talking to you on the phone that you are queen of productivity. You use your time wisely and take your business seriously.
Connecting with you was a wonderful experience, besides all your knowledge, you are a down to earth fun person. Your openness quality sure makes you a go to person.
Speaking is a wonderful thing to do. I had experience in the past doing speaking tours not connected to marketing, but it is a “rush” when you get on that stage and inspire others.
All the best to you!
donna merrill recently posted…Thank You To Some Amazing Bloggers
Thank you Donna for your kind comment!
I too have spoken from stage or in front of a large room and I agree – it’s a rush.
I am so glad we had that time on the phone! I love your spunk and your openness to new experiences and locations! In that we also have much in common!
Even the at my most productive, I find I can ramp it up a bit more, with a deadline that is outside my own agenda and outlines. Having done that as I spoke about in the post, I have also prepared for a series of live workshops I have been wanting to offer locally to the art community regarding creative avocations and the money aspect of business. It’s also prompted the high speed writing of the TICBD workbook (a structured life, work and relationship mind-map type system).
“Fringe Benefits”!!
I appreciate you stopping by on a Sunday Donna and taking the time to comment and share this post!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…How You Do Something is How You Do Everything
Hey Deborah,
First off let me congratulate you doing the sponsor role that helped kick some of this into high gear. I know there are some thing I need to get done that have been on the back burner because they just don’t take priority at the moment.
I should have focused on a specific deadline for my product because the whole process I had wanted to release it either by September or no later than October. Now it’s going to be nearer the end of November. I just needed more help than I realized and I spent way too much time trying to figure it out so I wouldn’t have to ask for help. I’m glad I finally did though and the people I approached were more than willing to step up.
Either way it’s on a deadline now and things are moving in the right direction. Oh and I’m not a procrastinator either, I’m very organized with my time and I focus on the tasks at hand. I’m a doer not a talker but I guess we all still have areas that can be improved upon.
One of those for me too is another head shot. The one I have, if you can believe this, my Mom took of me. Well, she’s not as steady with a camera as she use to be and my best friend use to take these for me but he passed away last year. I really don’t want to go the photography route because they are “too” professional. I’ll have to find someone else to help me with this but I really need a new head shot. I’m sick of looking at me but I still look like that no matter how old the photo is. I guess that’s the good part right!
Thanks for sharing this with us and the advice that we all still have some room for improvement.
Hope you’re doing well and having a good week.
Adrienne recently posted…Do You Know the Key Ingredient to Blogging?
Hi Adrienne!
I’m really happy for you that you are now on track with your product launch. We all require help now and then, especially with a launch. There are just so many pieces that go far beyond the actual product creation. Funnels take time. Each piece from the shopping cart to the opt in to the delivery piggy-backs on each other, so you are constantly going back and forth with numerous windows open on your computer. And of course this has nothing to do with the actual product content!! LOL!!
I’ve been putting off the headshot too for the same reasons. Instead I’ve been working with still photos that I pulled off professional HD videos I had done for some of my live workshops. I’d literally play the video and pause when I thought I looked good and see if the still frame was decent. Some were great! They are the ones in my blog header. People love them because they are clearly action shots, not stand-and-look-at-the-camera shots.
Yet, I have to say, I LOVED my recent photo shoot. I called a local photographer who works only outside. I had him check out my website and get a feel for who I am (though we’ve also known each other for many years). I gave him some adjectives of the message I wanted my photo to portray. In the end, we had a great time and I love, love , love how I look in the pics. Can’t even see my wrinkles…Ha ha!
Your new product is so much about you Adrienne. I say give yourself a gift and do a photo shoot. You are the face of your launch and I think you’ll feel so very proud and excite to put a new professionally done headshot on it!
Deborah Tutnauer recently posted…How to Calm the Techie Chaos for Non-Techie’s